————————————— Dreambox Rafael / Mrs Flower login —————————— UID/email: aesteves@gmail.com PWD: rafaesteves Site URL: https://play.dreambox.com/ account information: https://play.dreambox.com/dashboard/account/account_information TEMP UID: estevesra2027 TEMP PWD: 150003617 —————————————— Softlayer - Drupal —————————————— change PWD URL: https://apr.softlayer.com/pwreset/apr.dll?cmd=change username: euroae PWD: q$qTb-OzM.?x)t1 temp PWD: softlayer16! Softlayer URL: https://internal.softlayer.com/ STASH: https://stash.softlayer.local/getting-started?next=/projects/CS/repos/bluemix/browse username: euroae PWD: q$qTb-OzM.?x)t1 Admin URL: http://wwwdal0102a-bluemix.softlayer.local/cloud-computing/bluemix/admin/ http://wwwdal0102a-bluemix.softlayer.local/cloud-computing/bluemix/user/ Display name: europe UID: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves@slDrupal1 ——————————— ————— [ NY Help Desk ]————————————————————— Phone: (212) 886-5000 Email: wwhelpdesk@havas.com Slack Help: slackadmin@havas.com ——————————— ————— [ Havas Payroll * dayforce * ]————————————————————— dayforce: URL: www.dayforcehcm.com UID: albert.esteves PWD: rafanico@dayforce0911 ——————————— ————— [ wrike ]————————————————————— URL: https://www.wrike.com/workspace.htm UID: Albert Esteves UID: albert.esteves@havas.com PWD: aesteves@wrike ———————————————— Vacation calendar ———————————————— https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11moRjCVT2YbJ5Wnueqy6oIaP67Ob8VUxlw3RNk6UCM8/edit#gid=417431571 —————————————————[ bluemix dev ]————————————— new URL: http://ibm-bluemix-dev.mybluemix.net/cloud-computing/bluemix/ uid: havas pwd: Blu3mix2016! url: http://bluemix-dev.mybluemix.net/cloud-computing/bluemix/ uid: havas pwd: Blu3mix2016! ————————————————[ Havas jira ]—————————————————— URL: http://jira.ny.havasww.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa UID: aesteves PWD: aesteves@jira ——————————————— Havas Network - Global services - corporateGS ————————————————— user name: albert.esteves pwd: champ@Havas3 ——————————————— Havas Network - Global services - configurations ————————————————— Login computer login: administrator Havasny200! Domain: globalservs.com user name: globalservs\greg.pearce password: R3dsk1ns6 ————————————————————— Staging for Bluemix on mybluemix.net ———————————— url: http://atlas-review.mybluemix.net/cloud-computing/bluemix/ uid: havas pwd: d3vsit3 Dashboard URL: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/?direct=classic —[ IBM ID ]— EMAIL: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves@ibmid Security question: my dogs name Answer: pumy IBM ID: BLuemix dashboard: https://myibm.ibm.com/dashboard/ EMAIL: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: albertesteves@ibmid Security question: my dogs name Answer: pumy ——————————————————————— Atlassian Source Tree ———————————————————— license url: https://my.atlassian.com/products/index?sen=5119414#license_5119414 email/userid : albert.esteves@havasww.com pwd: aesteves@sourcetree ——————————————————————— overstock.com ————————————————————— Email: aesteves@gmail.com PWD: aesteves@overstock1 —————————————————— Havas High speed asset delivery ————————————————— http://gs01-srv005.globalservs.com/MultipleUpload/(S(csvias55g5vg3s45ke44pyyr))/ClassicUploadWithForm.aspx ————————————————— couchDB ————————————————— Utilities URL: http://localhost:5984/_utils/ Admin URL: http://localhost:5984/_utils/session.html username: admin password: localpassword ————————————— thoughtsoncloud.com ————————— Admin URL: http://www.thoughtsoncloud.com/wp-admin/ Site URL: http://www.thoughtsoncloud.com/ UID : ttaylor PWD : Sprint9oo —————————————— IBM Email Client —————————————— URL: https://mail.notes.na.collabserv.com/verse UID: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves56 —————————————— Havas Email Client —————————————— URL: https://mail.notes.ce.collabserv.com/ UID: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: NicolasE4 OLD PWD: NicolasE3 ————————————————— inmotion Hosting for ositio.com ————————————— Domain: ositio.com domain Key: ositio5 email: aesteves@gmail.com PWD: aesteves@inmotion1 ————————————— Jazz ———————————————— URL: https://jazz.net/ Email: euroae@us.ibm.com userID: albertesteves PWD: a4stev4s@jazz4 PWD: a3stev3s@jazz3 OLD PWD: a3stev3s@jazz2 OLD PWD: aesteves@jazz1 ———————————— [ Pivotal - tracking system ] —————————— URL: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/signin UID: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: aesteves@pivotal ——————————————————————— [ Havas App Box - A File repository ] ——————————————— URL: https://ibmhavasww.app.box.com/ UID: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: 200Hudson PWD: aesteves22 ————————— [ WCM portal ]———————————————— The Bluemix development environment: http://thed80wps.ihe.ibm.com/wps/myportal/cloud-computing/bluemix If you have "Edit" access, you should see a cog icon on the right, clicking that takes you to the editing environment. Tim and Albert both already have access with their us.ibm.com addresses. I can add new people as needed in the future. This dev environment can (I believe) be used to build/test anything, but they will only migrate authoring templates, presentation templates and backend code from this dev environment to a separate production environment There, we would ultimately host any templates/code from dev and enter actual page content, but we've been requested to limit our access to the dev environment until we get more familiar with the tool and can set up proper controls in the prod environment. Here are the tutorial videos on how to use different parts of WCM/Portal: https://w3next.ibm.com/wps/myportal/ecmcc/capabilities/WCMPersonalTutor ———————————————————————— [ bluemix Staging ] ——————————————————————— URL: https://wwwstage.ibm.com/cloud-computing/bluemix/ ID: staging PW: IBM29Jan ———————————— [ IBM Code Heroes ] ———————— https://github.com/KremsaDigital/ibm_code_heroes.git —————— My NY.gov Online Services ——————— URL: https://my.dmv.ny.gov/MyDMV/ uid: aesteves@gmail.com pwd: aesteves@dmv1 Q1: what was the name of my first pet? A1: pumy Q2: what was my first grade teacher’s last name? A2: hotstuff Q3: what is the first name of my childhood best friend? A3: jacque —————————— Node.js Installation on MAC ————————— Node.js was installed at: /usr/local/bin/node npm was installed at: /usr/local/bin/npm Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH. —————————— [ Bluemix DevOps Services ]————————— IBM id: euroae@us.ibm.com Alias: albertesteves GIT Path: https://hub.jazz.net/git/stevego/Bluemix.Analytics Steve Goldberg home page: https://hub.jazz.net/user/stevego PROJECT URL: https://hub.jazz.net/project/stevego/Bluemix%20Analytics/overview URL: https://hub.jazz.net/ —————————————————————————[ IBM ID ] ——————————————— EMAIL: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves@ibmid Security question: my dogs name Answer: pumy —————————————————————————[ IBM sign up for bluemix.net ] ——————————————— Email: euroae@us.ibm.com —————————————————————————[ my mac Keychain ] ——————————————— PWD: sS6hava51 ___________________________ [ RAD and RTC - FTP ] _______________________________ Download RAD and RTC Client repo. Installation FTP only. server: secure.havasww.com user: ibm_ftp pw: ypTM5VEz —————————————-[ https://havas.slack.com ] —————————— UID: albert.esteves (globalservs) PWD: same as machine login UID: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: aesteves@slack2 PWD: aesteves@slack1.com Old PWD: aesteves@slack.com CloudPlatform: username: albertesteves pwd: aesteves@slack.com ———————————————-[ Google postman ]———————————————— username: albertesteves ---------------------------[ Smart cloud notes ]--------------------------------------- Webmail URL: https://apps.ce.collabserv.com/homepage/web/updates/#myStream/imFollowing/all PWD: NicolasE2 ---------------------------[ conEdison registration ]------------------------------------ account #: 522507016600036 username: AlbertEsteves PWD: aeconEdison1 EMAIL: aesteves@gmail.com Security Question: What is the name of the city where you were born? Security Answer: guimaraes Log in To My Acoount: https://apps1.coned.com/cemyaccount/NonMemberPages/Login.aspx?lang=eng ------------------------- [ Source Tree Registration ] ------------------------- email: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: aesteves@sourcetree ------------------------- [ Credit Karma - get your credit report for free] ------------------------- URL: https://www.creditkarma.com/ uid: aesteves@gmail.com pwd: n1colasesteves Security Question: Q: What was your first pet's name? A: kikas ------------------------- [ aetna Pay Flex] ------------------------- URL: payflexdirect.com username: aesteves pwd: n1c0l@sesteves security question: What city where you born? Answere: guimaraes What if I forget my PIN? You can call 1-888-999-0121 to create a new PIN at any time. ------------------------- [ dropbox ] ------------------------------- URL : https://www.dropbox.com/gs UID : albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD : aesteves@dropbox ------------------------- [ Basecamp ] ------------------------------- URL : https://basecamp.com/2434025/ UID : albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD : aesteves@basecamp ------------------------ [ Network Solutions ]------------------------ UID: aesteves@gmail.com PWD: n1c0l@sesteves ------------------------ [ IBM Bluemix Registration ]------------------------ UID: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: aesteves@bluemix security question: city of birth Security question answer: guimaraes ---------------------- RECRUITMENT CENTER - NEW YORK ---------------------- URL: https://hire-ny.havasww.com/ ---------------------- MWT dev box/server ------------------------------------------------ \\DIAGEOTOOLKIT75\transfer URL: UID: hturco PWD: giddyUp! George Dickels path: remote: \\DIAGEOTOOLKIT75\transfer\DickelDotCom URL: ---------------------- fonts.com ------------------------------------------------ UID: havasworldwide@gmail.com PWD: 200hudsonstreet ------------------------------- Trello BUG tracker ------------------------------- URL: https://trello.com/b/MEnGp2n7/ibm-thinklab UID: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: aesteves@trello ------------------------------- github [gitlab.ny.havasww.com] ————————————————————— URL: https://gitlab.ny.havasww.com/ email: albert.esteves@havasww.com username: albertesteves PWD: aesteves@githubNY1 ------------------------------- github ------------------------------------------ Profile URL: https://github.com/settings/profile https://github.com/ name: albertesteves email: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: aesteves@github1 Havas Network URL: https://github.com/havasnewyork IBM bluemix URL: https://git.design.ibm.com/ibm-cloud/cloud-computing/tree/master/bluemix To add an ssh key got to and follow the instructions: https://git.design.ibm.com/help/ssh ATTENTION: git.design.ibm.com is being sunset. It will be SHUTDOWN Nov 13th. If you are a Hallmark project please migrate your repository to http://github.ibm.com otherwise please migrate your repository to http://gitlab.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com More information will be posted shortly. https://github.com/havasnewyork/bluemix.git ThinkLAb site URL: http://havasnewyork.github.io/thinklab-site/ ssh key The following SSH key was added to your account: GitHub for Windows - R9WP21R1301 37:4c:30:30:96:57:cc:93:62:b5:37:11:29:66:18:85 If you believe this key was added in error, you can remove the key and disable access at the following location: https://github.com/settings/ssh ------------------------------- rent.com ------------------------------------------ UID: aesteves@gmail.com PWD: aesteves@rent ------------------------------- Pandora Music station------------------------------------------ UID: aesteves@gmail.com PWD: aesteves@pandora ------------------------------- IBM industry insights ------------------------------------------ http://insights-on-business.com/ FTP: Host: Port: 21 UID: ttaylor PWD: Havas1234 wp admin login: UID: ttaylor PWD: Havas1234 -------------- Tim Taylor Wordpress instance URL: http://ind.00dev.com/banking/ UID: ttaylor PWD: Sprint9oo ------------------------------- IBM App Center ----------------------------------------------------------- Global App center URL: http://bit.ly/dstcenter Straight to the App List : http://bit.ly/dstcenter2 UID: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves51 ------------------------------- bugtracker.erdiscovery.com ------------------------------------------------ url: http://bugtracker.erdiscovery.com:8080/login.jsp pwd: aesteves uid: password -------------------------- iNews VRM Email Blaster --------------------------------------------------------------------- Root: http://c03z0047.boulder.ibm.com/bin/newsletter/tool/nlToolHome.cgi with issue ID: http://c03z0047.boulder.ibm.com/bin/newsletter/tool/nlIssue.cgi?issueId=9000800 UID: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves46 Old PWD: aesteves45 (changed 12-01-2014) ----------------------------- Supplier Connections WAS admin console ----------------------------------------------- URL: https://100x01.lexington.ibm.com:9043/ibm/console/login.do?action=secure UID: wasadmin PWD: wasadmin SITE URL: https://100x01.lexington.ibm.com/SupplierConnection/ ----------------------------- Supplier Connections Dev Server ( 100x01 And 100x02 ) ----------------------------------------------- HOST: 100x01.lexington.ibm.com / 100x02.lexington.ibm.com DIR: /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/en_US/SupplierConnection userid:esteves password: new4you9 ----------------------------- Supplier Connections Dev Server ( 100x02 ) ----------------------------------------------- https://100x02.lexington.ibm.com/SupplierConnection/ Katy Brownley's active login information for the Buyer portal brownley@us.ibm.com 3575ku78 USERID: esteves PWD: new4you9 OLD PWD: new4you8 ----------------------------- Wifi ----------------------------------------------- CorporateGS: H@va$2012! CorporateGuest: Advertising! ————————————————————- MAC laptop keychen PWD ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Havas Global Network ----------------------------------------------- UID: albert.esteves PWD: Ss6hava5 ----------------------------- Adobe ID ----------------------------------------------- UID: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: n1c0l@sesteves ------------------------ instagram info --------------------------------------------- uid: aesteves@gmail.com pwd: aesteves@instagram --------------------- IBM Marketing - Critical Guidance on Executing Funds With a Supplier. ----------------- UID: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: ibmvec ------------------------------ linkedin ------------------------------------------------- UID: aesteves@gmail.com PWD: n1col@sesteves ------------------------------ Webmail ------------------------------------------------- https://webmail2.havasww.com UID : Albert Esteves PWD : C0nnecticut ------------------------------ supplier connections bug tracker ------------------------ https://igartc02.swg.usma.ibm.com/jazz/web/projects/Corporate_Webmasters#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.runSavedQuery&id=_YC_9EDXYEd-xwfKR-0sXiw Joe Rich, uid: joe.rich@havasww.com pwd: theFinalPword28! katy, uid:katyutz@hotmail.com pwd:lauren6landon Maryann, uid:maryann.abelli@havasww.com pwd:luk3ry2n un: dkauhl@us.ibm.com pw: Stpats2014 Link to IBM DEV site : https://100x02.lexington.ibm.com/SupplierConnection/login.action un: doug.kauhl@eurorscg.com pw: chachi66 Katy Brownley's active login information for the Buyer portal brownley@us.ibm.com 3575ku78 ------------------------------ George Dickel ------------------------ network IP \\ network Hostname \\us-phi2-srv001 URL: http://dickel.havasww.com/ Outside IP = Outside Hostname = netdev.havasww.com ------------------------------ Network Solutions ------------------------ User ID: aesteves@gmail.com PWD: Nicol@s1 Old User ID: 28924371 Security Question 1: Q: What was the name of you favorite pet? A: pumi Q: What time of day were you born? A: 4am Q: What is the name of your favorite uncle? A: Alfredo ------------------------------ Adobe CS6 ------------------------ Adobe ID: albert.esteves@havasww.com ------------------------------ IBM Email Optimizaton ------------------------ URL : http://pviq.com/dash.php#page1 UID: vrmglobal@yahoo.com PWD: 166 account: email2ibm ------------------------------ Adobe Workspace ------------------------------- URL: https://workspaces.acrobat.com/app.html#o UID: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: aesteves ------------------------------IBM VRM Server Access (DST & Stage)------------------------------- Linux g01zcirdb003.ahe.pok.ibm.com Zlinux IGA (NUS_N_LINUX Zlinux IGA ) Linux g01zciwass001.ahe.pok.ibm.com Zlinux IGA ( NUS_N_LINUX Zlinux IGA ) UID: euroae PWD: N2colasE Old PWD: N1colasE DEV server: host: ( c03z0047.boulder.ibm.com ) Port:22 Protocol: SFTP UID: euroae PWD: gor91#aa _____________________________________________________ STAGE server: host: ( g01zciwass001 ) Port:22 Protocol: SFTP UID: euroae PWD: z1qblh1i old PWD: j6neoq6z _______________________________________________________ host: ( g01zcirdb003 ) Port:22 Protocol: SFTP UID: euroae PWD: t7juam7y ------------------------- Ready Confernce ------------------------------- URL: https://eurorscgdiscovery.pgimeet.com Account Name: Tim Taylor Client ID: 6026870 PWD: Sprint9oo Toll-Free: 1 877 703 3876 Toll: 1 719 359 8941 Host PWD: 4243550 Participant: 424355 Security Code: 6026870 FTP Access to: -------- ------------------------------- Host: UID: wpdev PWD: G00db33r1234!! -------------------------------- Apple ID -------------------------------------------------- name : Albert Last Name: Esteves Apple ID: albert.esteves@havasww.com pwd: Rafael0812 old pwd: Nicolas1216 security questions: 1: What is the first name of your best friend in high school A: Robert 2: What is your dream job. A: spy 3: In what city did your parents meet. A: guimaraes Date of Birth: April-27-1973 rescue email: aesteves@gmail.com ____________________________------------ wpdev1.erdiscovery.com -------______________________ \\\ UID: ttaylor PWD: Sprint9oo ------- Red Stripe Beer ------------------ http://wpdev1.erdiscovery.com/rs \\\rs ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adobe UID: albert.esteves@havasww.com PWD: eurochamp ----- -------------------- IBM v-17e responsive / adaptive design server ------------------------------- URL: UID: v17e PWD: v17e4IBM ----- -------------------- IBM beanstalkapp v-17 responsive design sandbox ------------------------------- Author: Jefferson (Jeff) Florentino Digital Strategist IBM CHQ, Marketing email: jeffdos@us.ibm.com sandBOX url: https://ibmlab.beanstalkapp.com/ URL: https://ibmlab.beanstalkapp.com/invitations/cbb02366a1428aa1106b/finish UID: v17_enhanced PWD: aesteves39 ----- -------------------- Dragon FTP ------------------------------- host: dragon.erdiscovery.com Protocol: SFTP UID: raponte PWD: passw0rd ---------------- CVS ------------------------------ pwd: c1rcl306 ---------------- inews email blaster ------------------------------ http://g01zcdwas004.ahe.pok.ibm.com/bin/newsletter/tool/nlIssue.cgi?issueId=9001210 UID: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves51 Old pwd: aesteves45 (changed 12-01-2014 ---------------------------Havas VPN login ------------------------------ login: vpnnet\estalb982 PWD: Ss6hava5 re-set by Michael Giordano (matthew.broome@havasww.com) on 7-1-2015 PWD: g5#eS&dcA8 re-set by Michael Giordano (michael.giordano@havasww.com) on 2-28-2015 PWD: @wsX2*thM5 re-set by Michael Giordano (michael.giordano@havasww.com) on 6-22-2014 PWD: %bhA2*mKs$3 re-set by Michael Giordano (michael.giordano@havasww.com) on 6-22-2014 PWD: B$5tN^7ua9 re-set by Michael Giordano (michael.giordano@havasww.com) on 3-26-2014 PWD: &7HeY3e#Rt re-set by Michael Giordano (michael.giordano@havasww.com) on 12-04-2013 Old pwd: Havas1234! re-set by Michael Giordano (michael.giordano@havasww.com) on 07-29-2013 Old pwd: M@ryl@nd ---------------------------------------------------------------------- email test tool URL: http://dcapp1.erdiscovery.com/bin/publisher/tool/tool.cgi uid: ttaylor pwd: hardd1sk -----------------------------------------[ CVS ]------------------------------------------------ Host : circtcvs.circleit.net Path: /cvsdata/cvsr1 connection type: pserver User: aje PWD: c1rcl306 --------------------------------[ havas web mail ]-------------------------------------------- http://remote.erdiscovery.com uid: albert.esteves@havasww.com pwd: C0nnecticut click on Discovery Mail 1 (ERMPNOT06) / Try IBM Lotus iNotes anyway --------------------------------[ neostaging.johnniewalker.com ]-------------------------------------------- URL: http://neostaging.johnniewalker.com/global/cmslogin.aspx UID: ag-kauhldo PWD: Chachi66! Notes: click workarea ckick content johnniewalker.com / house of johnnie walker / event view / language / English US click link image gallery test --------------------------------[ twitter Account ]-------------------------------------------- Phone #: 914 479 9613 Account name: @aestevesEuro UID: aesteves@gmail.com PWD: n1c0l@s phone activation URL: https://twitter.com/settings/add_phone --------------------------------[ connections.havasdigital.com ]-------------------------------------------- https://connections.havasdigital.com:9446/homepage/login/?error=true username: joe panetta PWD: mercedes -------------------------------- [ Remote Desktop Access ] -------------------------------- Go To: start/accessories/Remote Desktop Connection IP: PWD: Havas1234 --------------------------------[ Havas Payroll ]-------------------------------------------- URL: https://portal.adp.com. Business/Personal E-Mail: aesteves@gmail.com City/ Town of Birth: Guimaraes security Question #1 : what was the first and last name of your best man at you wedding? Answere: abilio tomas security Question #2 : what was the first foreign country you visited? Answere: spain UID: AEsteves@HAVAS PWD: Nic0l@se2 ————————————————————— Access Code: 192414 site: https://portal.adp.com/public/index.htm UID:AEsteves@HAVAS PWD: n1c0l@sesteves Q: what was the first city you visited: A: spain --------------------------------[ Linkedin ]-------------------------------------------- UID: aesteves@gmail.com pwd: n1c0l@sesteves --------------------------------[ Wilton wireless network ]-------------------------------------------- the ssid is corporateguest wpa2 Name: corporateguest PWD/key: advertising!! --------------------------------[ Johnnie-walker dev box ]-------------------------------------------- HOST: Server type: SFTP UID: ttaylor PWD : Euro1234 DIR/PATH : /var/www/jwtest internal - Johnnie walker rsvp URL: external - Johnnie walker rsvp URL: http://guinness-rsvp.erdiscovery.com/jwtest/gate.html --------------------------------[ dragon ]-------------------------------------------- url: http://dragon.ws3.erdiscovery.com/Research/index.html url: http://dragon.ws3.erdiscovery.com/eContact-user-guide/eContact-3.0/ url: http://dragon.ws3.erdiscovery.com/vesicare/ user: external pw: h2ll0w##n --------------------------------[ Dropbox ]-------------------------------------------- uid: albert.esteves@eurorscg.com pwd: eurochamp@euro --------------------------------[ Johnnie Walker Staging FTP ]_________________________ host : stage.servicesjohnniewalker.com server type : SFTP UID : root PWD : whiskyatlas13MgWu6Me --------------------------------[ Johnnie Walker Production FTP]_________________________ host : servicesjohnniewalker.com server type : SFTP UID : root PWD : jw-gen-prodUNnj2Vs75 ________________________[ Euro Facebook account ]_________________________ First Name: Albert Last Name: Esteves Email: Albert.Esteves@eurorscg.com pwd: eurochamp https://developers.facebook.com/apps ________________________[ Gira - Bugtracker ]_________________________ url : http://bugtracker.erdiscovery.com:8080/ user name : aesteves pwd : password ________________________[ my Twitter account ]_________________________ Name: Albert Esteves User Name: aestevesEuro Email: aesteves@gmail.com pwd: n1c0l@s _________________________ IBM / w3 Intranet Password ______________________________ Change PWD Url: http://w3.ibm.com/profile/update/password/en-us/change.jsp URL: https://w3.ibm.com/profile/update/password/en-us/change.jsp UID: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves59 ( Your password expires on 26 February 2017 ) old-PWD: aesteves58 (11-28-2016) aesteves56 old-PWD: aesteves55 (5-31-2016) old-PWD: aesteves54 (3-9-2016) old-PWD: aesteves53 (12-22-2015) old-PWD: aesteves52 (10-06-2015) old-PWD: aesteves51 (7-15-2015) old-PWD: aesteves50 (4-14-2015) old-PWD: aesteves46 (12-01-2014) old-PWD: aesteves45 (12-01-2014) old-PWD: aesteves43 (6-26-2014) old-PWD: aesteves42 (4-15-2014) old-PWD: aesteves41 (1-14-2014) old-PWD: aesteves40 (10-30-2013) old-PWD: aesteves39 (08-14-2013) old-PWD: aesteves38 (05-23-2013) old-PWD: aesteves37 (05-13-2013) old-PWD: aesteves36 (12-10-2012) old-PWD: aesteves35 (12-10-2012) old-PWD: aesteves34 (09-24-2012) old-PWD: aesteves23 (06-25-2012) old-PWD: aesteves12 (03-29-2012) _________________________[ ATT Dialer - IBM VPN ]______________________________ ATT w3 log-in info Account Code / User ID : RTPD / RAC0612 Initial Password : EUJ4J55Q NEW: aesteves55 OLD: aesteves54 (Nov / 1 / 2016) OLD: aesteves53 (Aug / 13 / 2016) OLD: aesteves52 OLD: aesteves51 OLD: aesteves50 OLD: aesteves49 OLD: aesteves48 NEW: aesteves47 NEW Password : aesteves46 changed on : 10/17/2014 NEW Password : aesteves45 changed on : 10/17/2014 NEW Password : aesteves44 changed on : 07/24/2014 NEW Password : aesteves42 changed on : 04/25/2014 NEW Password : aesteves@w3-8 NEW Password : aesteves@w3-7 NEW Password : aesteves@w3-6 changed on : 03/04/2013 NEW Password : aesteves@w3-5 changed on : 12/10/2012 NEW Password : aesteves@w3-4 changed on : 09/12/2012 NEW Password : aesteves@w3-3 changed on : 06/06/2012 NEW Password : aesteves@w3 changed on : 02/17/2012 NEW Password : aesteves@w3-1 changed on : 08/26/2011 NEW Password : aesteves@w3-2 changed on : 11/22/2011 _________________________[ People soft ]______________________________ URL: http://peoplesoft.havas.us:10800/psp/fspseuro/EMPLOYEE/ERP/h/?tab=DEFAULT UID: aesteves aesteves37 Old PWD: aesteves36 Changed on 10-13-2016 Old PWD: aesteves35 Changed on 7-13-2016 Old PWD: aesteves34 Changed on 4-11-2016 Old PWD: aesteves33 Changed on 1-11-2016 Old PWD: aesteves31 Changed on 7-15-2015 Old PWD: aesteves30 Changed on 3-31-2015 Old PWD: aesteves29 Changed on 12-29-2014 Old PWD: aesteves28 Changed on 9-29-2014 Old PWD: aesteves27 Old PWD: aesteves26 Old PWD: aesteves25 Old PWD: aesteves23 Old PWD: aesteves22 Old PWD: aesteves21 Old PWD: aesteves32 old PWD: aesteves23 _________________________ IBM sametime ______________________________ URL: http://stweb.ibm.com/ UID: ibm uid PWD: IBM PWD Notes: must use IE Browser _________________________ STG Sales Navigator ______________________________ URL: http://www.ibmstgsalesinfo.com/desktop.php UID: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves51 OLD PWD: aesteves45 ________________________ [ VRM iNews ]_____________________________________ Template tool => http://g01zciwass001.ahe.pok.ibm.com/bin/newsletter/template.cgi Issue I created => http://g01zciwass001.ahe.pok.ibm.com/bin/newsletter/tool/nlIssue.cgi?issueId=681 uid: dkauhl@us.ibm.com pwd: Xm4s2011 __________________________________[ Diageo Google-analytics ]___________________________________________ Diageo Google-analytics account: First name: Albert Last name: Esteves Login name: diageo.analytics@gmail.com PWD: analytics Security question: project manager Answer: John Mucci Recovery email: aesteves@gmail.com Web Property Name: Diageo DDA Website URL: http://dda.erdiscovery.com Web Property ID: UA-27191100-1 __________________________________[ IBM Intranet ]___________________________________________ w3.ibm.com ( IBM Intranet ) NOT IN USE UID: euroae@us.ibm.com PWD: aesteves51 Old PWD: aesteves46 (changed 1-13-2015) Old PWD: aesteves45 (changed 12-01-2014 Old PWD: aesteves44 ( changed 9-15-2014 ) Old PWD: aesteves1 Old PWD: v7kvhzvp Change PWD Url: http://w3.ibm.com/profile/update/password/en-us/change.jsp __________________________________[ Lotus notes ---- IBM World ]____________________________________________ Lotus notes ---- IBM World PWD: Euro12345 Old pwd Euro1234 _______________________________________________________________________________ w3 profile Name : Albert Esteves Email ID : euroae@us.ibm.com Lotus Notes ID : Albert Esteves/Southbury/Contr/IBM@IBMUS Work Location : 150 Kettletown Road Country/region : United States Geography : North America IOT Type of Employment : Manager/Regular Employee : IBM Employee, Regular _______________________________________________________________________________ NYC server location: \\\er4dny\ PWD: mn2Eur0 _______________________________________________________________________________ dcapp1 euro server use ftp client WinSCP location: all Programs/WinSCP http location : http://eurodiscovery.er4d.com/docs/ ftp location : dcapp1.erdiscovery.com path to Supplier Connections: /www/mcs/docs/supp_conn uid : aesteves pwd : P0lyc0m _______________________________________________________________________________ DDA - Diageo Digital Academy Live URL: http://dda.erdiscovery.com/dda/login.html username: dcalkins password: 2c2d3my euro url: http://wilt3186.er4d.com/dda/login.html username: admin password: alfresco Path to the dev box: \\wilt3186.er4d.com\dda.dev http://wilt3186.er4d.com:9090/dda/index.html Alfresco Server http://wilt3186.er4d.com/share ________________________________________________________________________________ SB@I - Social Business at IBM w3 access Shakir UID:kolia@us.ibm.com PWD: New4world 10-19-2011 PWD:Al3xd0m09 machine: \\WILT3188SK\servers IBM IP ibmdev ip has changed to \\ ID : dschipul PWD: f1r3w2ll IBM education pages: http://learning.atlanta.ibm.com/hr/global/quickviews/sce.nsf/Content/8825773C:00617F22 File location: \\alex.er4d.com\data2\SocialBusiness@IBM-Phase2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Vacation request / tracking: http://allaccess.eurorscgchicago.com/ Userid: aesteves Password: wilt123