IBM Flex System is a revolutionary step forward in blade server-based IT infrastructure — a clean-slate design for today's increasingly virtualized, heterogeneous data centers. Offering the ability to custom build and tune a configuration to meet your specific requirements, it's one of the most advanced blade servers available today. Featuring Intel® Xeon® processors, IBM Flex System is the right fit for your IT infrastructure.1


IBM Flex System is designed from the ground-up for fast, simple integration with a single management tool for all physical and virtual resources. Easily integrate compute, storage, and networking to support your most demanding IT solutions.


Take advantage of a flexible and open choice of architectures, hypervisors, operating systems, storage, and networking technologies — all within the same chassis.


IBM Flex System Manager provides single-pane-of-glass management over the entire system via management integration of physical and virtual compute, storage and networking resources, from a single vantage point, enabling you to automate administration functions across multiple, heterogeneous resources.2

With IBM Flex System, the elements that make up IBM PureFlex System, you can build your own system to meet your unique IT requirements with a set of no-compromise compute, storage, networking and systems management components.

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Learn why Clabby Analytics says IBM Flex System is the best blade offering in the market.

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