IBM cloud data and analytics services are open for data

Our open approach gives every member of the data team – including developers, IT architects, and data scientists – self-service access to the most complete and integrated portfolio of data and analytics tools.

Land and expand with IBM Connect

Unlock the data you need for your apps with dashDB, DB2, Spark and Cloudant.
Build More

Build more

Stay focused on the fun stuff...
creating new apps, not sysadmin

Grow More

Grow more

Scale your data huge on the IBM Cloud

Sleep More

Sleep more

Rest easy while IBM experts keep
your data running 24x7


You're good at building applications - and shouldn't spend time doing sysadmin work. Run your databases with Compose and ship apps faster, responsibly.

  • MongoDB
  • Elasticsearch
  • Redis
  • PostgreSQL

With powerful indexing and querying, and wide driver support, MongoDB has become the go-to JSON document database for many startups and enterprises. Compose makes the MongoDB proposition even better via an easy, always-on, auto-scaling MongoDB service with monitoring and integration tools, backups, and much more.

  • MongoDB hosted & managed on state of the art infrastructure
  • Auto-scales with consistent performance
  • Pay for what you use, $18/GB
  • Data exploration, integration, monitoring tools
  • High-availability replica sets
  • 24/7 operations team

Elasticsearch combines the power of a full-text search engine with the indexing strengths of a JSON document database for rich analysis on large volumes of data. Searches of strings, numbers, dates, geographic points, and even custom types can be scored for exactness.

  • Scale effortlessly
  • Pay as you grow, just $12 / GB
  • Built-in redundancy, monitoring, backup
  • Dynamic query language & flexible indexing
  • 24/7 operations team

Redis is a blazingly fast key/value store that keeps your entire dataset in RAM for fast access and handles persisting to disk in the background. Compose makes Redis better with auto-failover and advanced security measures.

  • Open-source in-memory key/value store
  • Pre-tuned for high availability
  • Locked down with added security features
  • 24/7 operations team

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database that is highly customizable. With PostgreSQL, development is fast and easily scalable, with JSON support, giving you the best of both the SQL and NoSQL worlds.

  • Hosted PostgreSQL that scales painlessly
  • Pay as you go, $17.50/GB per month
  • Built-in monitoring, alerts, backups
  • Automatic failover for high availability
  • 24/7 operations team

Explore connections with IBM Graph

Graph databases are NoSQL databases that facilitate the exploration of relationships in data, a capability that is particularly relevant in social networks and recommendation engines. IBM GraphDB is the next step in IBM's commitment to open source and data and is powered by Apache TinkerPop.

IBM Analytics for
Apache Spark™

The full analytic power and capabilities of Spark at your fingertips, immediately available, always on, and free to start.


IBM Cloudant is a fully managed JSON document DBaaS that’s optimized for data availability, durability, and mobility…perfect for fast-growing mobile & web apps. What makes Cloudant unique is its advanced indexing and ability to push data to the network edge, across multiple data centers and devices, for faster access and greater fault tolerance. It allows users to access data anytime, anywhere.

Example app

Location Tracker

With Cloudant, building location-aware systems is within the reach of any web developer. This demo application uses HTML5 and JavaScript to record a device's GPS locations, and then save them—both on the device and to IBM Cloudant.

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