What we offer
Build the backend that fits your app
Mobile backend
Start creating your mobile app and leverage the complete collection of backend services to build and scale your apps faster.
- Create your apps faster
- Manage push notification subscriptions
- Authenticate users
- Monitor app usage
- Store and sync app data from your client code
- Run app logic in the cloud
Try our new rapid mobile application development capabilities at appbuilder.ibmcloud.com
IBM is bringing the Swift programming language to the cloud. Learn more
Enhance your app with analytics, security, user insight, and continuous delivery.
Add another layer of engagement with your users with indoor location and natural language conversation
- Get indoor location from beacons, wifi and small clients
- Trigger actions with indoor location information
- Gain insight on customer interactions
- Add natural language and image recognition to your app to make it personal
Play with code
Drop a few lines of code into your app and see for yourself.
- Mobile backend
Push Notifications
Cloudant NoSQL DB
Mobile Client Access
- Lifecycle
Application Security on Cloud
Mobile Quality Assurance
- Contextual
Presence Insights
Engage your users
Send your users the content they want to see. Use tags to manage subscriptions and content.
push.subscribeToTags(tags, completionHandler: { (response: IMFResponse!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if error != nil {
//handle error
//handle success
//add this line to your pod file to get the SDK
pod 'IMFPush'

BluePic is an open source photo sharing app built on IBM Bluemix Services and shows what's possible when you build in the cloud.