By combining Watson Natural Language Classifier, Streaming Analytics, and IBM Cloudant on Bluemix, you can build a social command center to identify emerging trends and topics of discussion around your event and brand.

  • Measure participant or viewer engagement in real time
  • Uncover actionable insights
  • Craft new content based on trending topics and user interactions

Natural Language Classifier

Interpret and classify natural language with confidence

Enable your developers to create natural language interfaces for their applications with a service that interprets the intent behind social text and returns a corresponding classification with associated confidence levels.

Learn how to build a question-and-answer application using a small amount of data.

Natural Language Classifier

Streaming Analytics

Ingest, analyze, monitor, and correlate data as it arrives from real-time sources

Perform real-time analysis on data as part of your Bluemix application with the Streaming Analytics service powered by InfoSphere Streams, which can analyze millions of events per second.

Bluemix Streaming Analytics

IBM Cloudant

Try out a durable, scalable, and highly available database for today's applications

IBM Cloudant is a fully managed JSON document database-as-a-service (DBaaS) that’s optimized for data availability, durability, and mobility. What makes IBM Cloudant unique is its advanced indexing and its ability to push data to the network edge, across multiple data centers and devices, for faster access and greater fault tolerance.

IBM Cloudant

See the catalog

Natural Language Classifier

The Natural Language Classifier service applies cognitive computing techniques to return the best matching classes for a sentence or phrase.

Streaming Analytics

Ingest, analyze, monitor, and correlate data as it arrives from real-time data sources. View information and events as they unfold.

IBM Cloudant

This service is compatible with CouchDB, and accessible through a simple to use HTTP interface for mobile and web application models.

Product resource

Bluemix Streaming Analytics

IBM social sentiment application at the Australian Open

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