How are technology leaders helping their organizations adapt to the accelerating change and complexity that mark today's competitive and economic landscape?
To find out, we spoke in person with 3,018 CIOs, spanning 71 countries and 18 industries.

While CIO priorities span the breadth of our global sample, our study uncovered discernable differences among CIOs. Though virtually all CIOs are responsible for delivery of essential services—managing digital infrastructure and enforcing security, data integrity and system availability—our research identified four distinct "CIO Mandates" that are based primarily on how each organization views the role of IT.
How are technology leaders helping
their organizations adapt to the accelerating
change and complexity that mark today's
competitive and economic landscape?
Organizations that demand high-performance IT need CIOs to focus on managing essential IT activities and getting information to decision makers faster and more accurately.

Fourteen percent of CIOs we interviewed operate with a Leverage mandate. The business expects CIOs operating with the Leverage mandate to concentrate about half of their efforts on the fundamentals of delivering IT services. CIOs with this mandate drive improvements in governance and controls, procedures, internal collaboration and transparency between IT and the business.

CIOs whose responses correlate with a Leverage mandate are continually reviewing their legacy environment, with an eye toward cost control. To keep costs in check, their top tools are aimed at rationalizing, renewing and consolidating application portfolios and hardware environments over the next three to ten years.
Leverage mandate CIOs focus on technology changes that will further enhance internal collaboration and client interaction
Change internal collaboration processes
Change client interaction processes
Collaboration and communication are key. These IT leaders look to new technologies to improve how they work with clients.
Low transformative potential
Average transformative potential
High transformative potential
Case Studies
CIOs focused on cross-enterprise growth continuously tune business processes and internal collaboration to gain tighter integration.

Half of the CIOs we spoke with offered responses that correlate with an Expand mandate. Simply put, it is what organizations today are asking for most often from CIOs. Like all CIOs, those working with an Expand mandate are responsible for the fundamentals—a well-run digital infrastructure that offers data security, integrity and system availability.

Yet, they must also continually refine operations to optimize efficiency and seek substantial competitive advantage with the help of IT. This widespread mandate includes organizations that expect CIOs to manage a balanced set of responsibilities that range from fundamental to visionary.
Expand mandate CIOs are focusing on the benefits of global integration in key areas
Changing the mix of capabilities, knowledge and assets within the organization
Partnering versus doing everything in-house
Finding trusted partners is vital. Many Expand mandate CIOs look to partners as a fresh source of new skills and expertise.
Maintain the current mix
Deeply change the mix
Do everything in-house
Partner extensively
Case Study
CIOs look beyond the boundaries of the enterprise to simplify business processes and generate real-time insights up and down the value chain.

Nearly one-quarter of the CIOs we spoke to support organizations that operate with a Transform mandate. Organizations with this mandate see IT primarily as a provider of industry-specific solutions to change the business.

Beyond the delivery of basic IT services and business process improvements, Transform mandate CIOs are helping their public and private sector organizations fundamentally rethink the way they understand and interact with customers and partners alike. One key to extending the enterprise's reach is the use of "Big Data"—the vast volumes captured, for example, from instruments like sensors or RFID tags or data gleaned in real-time from millions of Web-based transactions.
Big data, what to do with it, and how to use it are top-of-mind issues for Transform mandate CIOs
Leverage data to create insight
Drive better real time decisions
Provide better business insights
Take advantage
of analytics
Enabling the intelligence enterprise. Most Transform mandate CIOs will focus on a range of tools to drive better decision making over the next five years.
Case Studies
These CIOs exhibit an entrepreneurial spirit and enable the radical redesign of products, markets and business models.

Representing thirteen percent of our sample, it's no surprise that Pioneer mandate organizations are often present within industries experiencing the brunt of rapid changes. They must reinvent themselves to keep pace with relentless advances in technology or dramatic changes in consumer behavior. With a Pioneer mandate, CIOs are seen as critical enablers of the organization's vision and typically spend less than one-quarter of their time or budget on delivering fundamental IT services or business process efficiency. The dominant view of IT in Pioneer mandate organizations is as a catalyst for change.
CIOs with a Pioneer mandate are focusing on a wide array of revenue and profitability metrics
Product/service profitability analysis
Product/service utilization analysis
Adding new sources of revenue
Revenue model changes
Transformation through revenue and profit. Pioneer mandate CIOs give top priority to intiatives that drive new revenue and boost profitability.
Low transformative potential
Average transformative potential
High transformative potential
Case Studies