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Innov8. Cityone. A smarter planet game. Coming fall 2010. Your city is being built.


Solve real-world business, environmental and logistical problems in CityOne – a Smarter Planet game. Explore ways to accelerate process change and control costs with business process management, service oriented architecture, cloud computing, and other technologies.

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Learn how technology can revolutionize banking, energy, retail, and water management industries to make cities smarter.

Serious Games @ IBM

Serious games prepare and train professionals by enabling them to visualize the consequences of their actions and explore different permutations of events in a visceral way. IBM has been developing serious games that can teach problem solving for real issues in key industries, helping companies to learn how to work smarter.

Roadmap to Business Agility

Ready to work smarter to achieve greater business agility in this hyper competitive market? We have just the resources and solutions to help you plan a roadmap.

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