Every time we engage in a social activity, we make choices that affect our presence. By presence we mean achieving a position of distinction as a trusted business advisor, standing out in the marketplace as individuals and as an organization, so that others can interact with us through our digital systems.

The way you define your social presence will ultimately impact your eminence. It is essential that your presence is defined upfront. You have the power to shape your eminence, through what you decide to share in the workplace and on the web.
Critical principles to keep in mind as you develop your social presence:
Authenticity Always be true to yourself when you engage in social activities. Your social presence is an expression of your character, and will be perceived as such by others. Consistency Consistently present yourself, using the same tone, in every interaction and communication.
Perseverance Building your social eminence requires a long-term strategy because it takes time. Permanence Your digital footprint leaves a trail. If you publish something inappropriate, embarrassing, or hurtful, there will be a record for years to come. There is no Delete button for the Internet.
What you will learn The modules in this section will take you through the steps needed to define your social presence.
Goal setting
Goal setting Define an appropriate strategy with measurable goals that meet your objectives. Start
Your social lens
Your social lens Visualize the attributes that make you unique. Start
Your personal narrative
Your personal narrative Turn your social lens into a microstory to use across social platforms. Start
IBM Expert Locator
The IBM Expert Locator is a new web-based service designed to aid in the search and discovery of IBM experts. Our goal for this service is bring to the surface the right experts for the right engagement at the right time, across all possible venues where purposeful interaction can take place. The enrollment process takes just a few minutes: Define your areas of expertise, choose the types of activities you wish to perform and indicate how others may engage with you. Enroll today Did you know? You can Google yourself to see how your social presence ranks in search. Tip The value of any communication system is in the quality of the communication.