Attach Balance Sheets
If your company has a Dun and Bradstreet report, please attach the report. Otherwise, provide 3 years of balance sheets and income statement in one file attachment. Accepted file formats are: .doc, .xls, .jpg, .zip, or .bmp, under 10 MB.

How to Combine Multiple Files into a Single, ZIP File (PC) Right click the file or folder to be uploaded.

  • Select "Send to" and then select "Compressed (zipped) Folder"
  • To upload your .zip file, click the "Upload" button, locate the .zip file on your computer, then confirm your selection
  • To replace your file, simply upload a new file
  • To delete your file, click the "Remove" button

If you require compression software please try to use open source products like 7-zip available from
There are many products available from other sources.

How to Combine Multiple Files into a Single, ZIP File (MAC)

  • Place all documents in a single folder on your computer
  • Control + click on the folder, select "Compress [FolderName]"
  • The resulting .zip file will appear in the same directory where the original folder resides.
  • To upload your .zip file, click the "Upload" button, locate the .zip file on your computer, then confirm your selection
  • To replace your file, simply upload a new file
  • To delete your file, click the "Remove" button