Our Commitment to Small Business

Please provide your organization's total spend with US Small Businesses for your prior fiscal year, in actual dollars. This captures your total US Small Spend, not just your spend with Supplier Connection suppliers. This data is available on the public-facing part of Supplier Connection, so be sure you have authorization to release this data externally.

If your organization maintains a specific Diversity or Small Business website or social media pages, enter them in this section. This should be a different URL than the URL entered in the Organization Information. If you do not have a Diversity or Small Business site, leave blank.

Diversity website URL,
E.g, http://www.ibm.com

Twitter Handle - Provide Twitter handle in the following format: TwitterProfileNameHere. Do not include @ symbol.

Facebook - Provide Facebook page in the following format: https://www.facebook.com/FacebookProfileNameHere.

LinkedIn - Provide LinkedIn page in the following format: https://www.linkedin.com/LinkedinProfileNameHere.

YouTube - Provide YouTube page in the following format: https://www.youtube.com/YouTubeProfileNameHere.