Attach all Supporting Certification Documents
If you checked any of the certifications above, then attach all supporting certification documents. For multiple certifications, combine them into one file prior to attaching

If you have multiple documents, please combine all documents into a single attachment. Accepted file formats are: .doc, .xls, .jpg, .zip, or .bmp, under 10 MB.

How to Combine Multiple Files into a Single, ZIP File (PC) Right click the file or folder to be uploaded.

  • Select "Send to" and then select "Compressed (zipped) Folder"
  • To upload your .zip file, click the "Upload" button, locate the .zip file on your computer, then confirm your selection
  • To replace your file, simply upload a new file
  • To delete your file, click the "Remove" button

If you require compression software please try to use open source products like 7-zip available from
There are many products available from other sources.

How to Combine Multiple Files into a Single, ZIP File (MAC)

  • Place all documents in a single folder on your computer
  • Control + click on the folder, select "Compress [FolderName]"
  • The resulting .zip file will appear in the same directory where the original folder resides.
  • To upload your .zip file, click the "Upload" button, locate the .zip file on your computer, then confirm your selection
  • To replace your file, simply upload a new file
  • To delete your file, click the "Remove" button