Are you able to provide US Export Control Classification Numbers for your equipment, software, and technology? (Ref: US Export Administration Regulation, Part 774.)
For more information, please refer to:

An Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is a specific alpha-numeric code that identifies the level of export control for articles, technology and software (collectively, "Items") that are exported from member states of the Wassenaar Arrangement, including the United States. The ECCN classification that applies to any specific item is determined by referring to a table that is issued for the United States by the Bureau of Industry and Security. The ECCN table contains hundreds of ECCN codes that are organized according to the technical parameters and/or end use of the hardware, software or technology that is being exported.

The Wassenaar Arrangement (full name: "The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies") is a multilateral export control regime (MECR) with 40 participating states. It is the successor to the Cold war-era Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM), and was established on July 12, 1996, in the Dutch town of Wassenaar, near The Hague. The Wassenaar Arrangement is considerably less strict than COCOM, focusing primarily on the transparency of national export control regimes and not granting veto power to individual members over organizational decisions. A Secretariat for administrating the agreement is located in Vienna, Austria.