Treating OAB

VESIcare® (solifenacin succinate) tablets

Treating Overactive Bladder (OAB)If your doctor determines that you have OAB, he or she may prescribe a medication like VESIcare to help treat your OAB symptoms. Once-daily VESIcare is proven to treat OAB with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks—day and night.*

*Your results may vary.

Lifestyle changes may help
Lifestyle changes can also help you manage your OAB symptoms. Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider before trying these tips. Watch Dr. Kelly Reed, a family physician, discuss speaking with your healthcare provider about bladder symptoms.

  • Kegel exercises: Kegel exercises (tightening and relaxing certain pelvic muscles) can help strengthen the muscles that support the bladder, which can help improve bladder control.
  • Reducing caffeine: Caffeine is a natural diuretic and bladder stimulant, both of which can increase sudden urges.
  • Watching your diet: Try to limit carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, spicy foods, and citrus or tomatoes. They can cause bladder irritation, which may result in needing to go more often.