Your home is like no other. And NHI homeowners policies were designed with homeowners like you in mind, offering the overage you want that may help you with your peace of mind. Your house, personal property and separate structures (such as a detached garage) are covered for many of the everyday risks you face as a homeowner.
A homeowner policy whether it's for a house, town home, condo, or apartment can protect these items and much more from the various risks that can occur in ones life.
The #1 mistake people make when shopping for home insurance is that they shop on price alone. Price or premium as we call it does not always equal coverage and not all homeowner policies are the same. Many have different endorsements, limits, conditions, and exclusions that only a licensed professional can educate and advise you on.
That's why using an independent agent is vital to your insurance protection, we can review and evaluate your exposure and offer you the coverage you need at a competitive price.
Homeowner insurance package includes:
- Flood
- Renter's Insurance
- Condo/Co-op
- Valuable Items
- Home