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Social computing is an umbrella term used to describe content exchange and peer-to-peer conversations. Social computing includes social news, social bookmarking, social networking, photo and video sharing, microblogging, social reviews, and social network aggregation. A full Glossary of Terms can be found here. Social computing platforms generally share the following characteristics:
Participation Social computing encourages contributions
and feedback.
Conversation Whereas traditional media is about one-way communication, social computing is about
a two-way dialogue.
Community Communities share common interests such as a passion for software development or a penchant for emerging media.
Connectedness Social computing thrives on connecting people, ideas, and content through technology. Transparency Social computing encourages openness.
Social enablement modules The social enablement modules will provide you with an introduction to the social web. You will learn how to use social computing tools to foster collaboration, disseminate and consume news, develop networks, forge closer relationships, and build credibility. As a result, you will be better informed and prepared to take action — either through the suggested platforms, or on your own. Start your exploration here.
Defining your presence
Defining your presence Detail your social computing goals and develop a social presence that is consistent with those goals. Start
Setting Up
Setting Up Select your social channels and establish a consistent online presence. Start
Listening Identify the dialogue relevant to you and your business and use that information to help you devise an engagement strategy and a measurement plan. Start
Sharing Begin the exchange of information to create context, connection, and community. Start
Publishing Enhance your digital presence and differentiate yourself by creating original content. Start
Jon Iwata: Social media as an internal tool Short URL:
Alexis Ohanian: How to make a splash in social media Short URL:
Evan Williams on listening to Twitter users Short URL:
Clay Shirky: How social media can make history Short URL:
IBM Social Computing Guidelines If you participate in social computing as an IBMer, we expect you to understand and follow our Social Computing Guidelines. These guidelines, written by your fellow employees, were designed to help you navigate the evolving landscape of social activities, tools and networks. These guidelines apply to every IBMer. Read IBM's Social Computing Guidelines