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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tortor dui, feugiat eu ultrices a, ultricies ultricies tellus. Curabitur porta pharetra magna ut faucibus. Nulla in felis ante, nec aliquam sem. Cras cursus euismod justo at suscipit. Duis laoreet semper lacus nec tempus. Nam elementum facilisis turpis eget sollicitudin. Ut orci lorem, cursus in tincidunt nec, commodo non tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean tempor varius nisl, nec commodo lacus elementum eu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed pharetra convallis vulputate. Nunc iaculis consequat tortor, vel adipiscing lacus gravida id. Phasellus vel erat eget magna dignissim lobortis.

Centennial Social Programs: Overview
This Beta release of Social Business @ IBM includes tips and resources for engaging three of the IBM Centennial's most important elements: the 100 Icons of Progress, Celebration of Service, and Lecture Series. Each has deep personal meaning for most IBMers, and offers rich opportunities to explore social computing in a way that enhances your participation.

In a future release, this area of Social Business @ IBM will become the central repository for a wide range of opportunities to use social computing to support your work and IBM's business – from product launches to events and other initiatives.

The repository will be searchable so you can easily find social computing opportunities that align with your interests and expertise. It will provide a "social activation toolkit" for each opportunity – a set of resources and assets to help you join the conversation more effectively. And it will let you create connections to specific programs so you can keep up-to-date on the latest developments and themes emerging from the social conversation.
Celebration of Service
Celebration of Service In celebration of IBM's Centennial, the Celebration of Service invites IBMers worldwide to donate their time and talents to community service initiatives throughout 2011. While On Demand Community provides a range of resources to support these efforts, social computing channels present a way for participants to share their experiences with colleagues and friends – and to collaborate with others for even greater community impact. Go to Celebration of Service toolkit
Icons of Progress
Icons of Progress Learn how to create your personal connections with 100 groundbreaking technological, scientific, and societal achievements representing the Icons on the IBM100 site. Go to Icons of Progress toolkit
Lecture Series
Lecture Series IBM's Lecture Series demonstrates how IBM's leaders and practitioners are using systems and services to address complex problems. Go to Lecture Series toolkit
Unified Profile
Unified Profile In order to participate in IBM digital experiences both "behind the firewall" and on The IBM100 site, we ask that all IBMers create a Unified Profile by connecting their IBM Intranet ID/Password to a Web Identity ID on

The Unified Profile will consolidate your IBM profiles and login information into one simple, connected profile that streamlines your passwords, and allows you greater access to IBM tools, features, and functions.
Create your Unified Profile
IBM's Social Computing Guidelines
If you participate in social computing as an IBMer, we expect you to understand and follow our Social Computing Guidelines. These guidelines, written by your fellow employees, were designed to help you navigate the evolving landscape of social activities, tools, and networks. These guidelines apply to every IBMer. Read IBM's Social Computing Guidelines
Did you know?
Thomas J. Watson, Sr., was quoted as saying, "There is no saturation point in education," and he modeled his company according to this mantra.