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Centennial Social Programs: Icons of Progress
In an effort to demonstrate the groundbreaking impact our company has had on technology, business and society, we will be releasing our 100 Icons of Progress — a series of stories about the key innovations, achievements and events that have shaped IBM throughout the last century.

The Icons of Progress will be published on the IBM100 site starting January 21, 2011. We ask that IBMers extend the site experience by connecting digitally with these Icons, sharing them on their social networks, and enriching them with their own unique perspectives.
Featured Icon: A Culture of Innovation
Featured Icon: A Culture of Innovation By hiring engineering consultant and inventor James W. Bryce in 1917, Thomas Watson Sr showed that he recognized the importance of pure inventing. Bryce and his team established IBM as a long-term leader in the development and protection of intellectual property. By 1929, 90 percent of IBM's products were the result of Watson's investments in R&D. In 1940, the team invented a method for adding and subtracting using vacuum tubes—a basic building block of the fully electronic computers that appeared in the 1940s and went on to transform business in the 1950s. This pattern—using innovation to create intellectual property-is evident throughout IBM's history. Today, IBM holds more U.S. patents than any other company in the world, with 4,914 awarded in 2009 alone. Explore this Icon Short URL: Hashtags: #IBM100, #IoP, #innovation
One hundred people present the IBM achievement that occurred in the year that they were born. The chronology flows from oldest to youngest and culminates with prospects for a smarter planet. Short URL: Hashtags: #IBM100, #100x100
How to get involved
Connect to an Icon On the IBM100 site, find an Icon that has personal meaning for you. Click "Connections" at the top of the page and follow the instructions to create a connection with that Icon. Once you are connected, use the social sharing toolbar to share your connection with others. Depending on the sharing option you choose, you may need to add the appropriate hashtags to help identify your activity. See the Hashtag directory sidebar for proper hashtag usage.

When you share your Icon connection, try to describe why this Icon is important to you. Were you personally involved in its development? Did you benefit from it in your personal or professional life? Does it represent something you are passionate about?
Explore IBM's Icons of Progress Stay tuned The Icons of Progress will be published as a series starting January 21, 2011. To stay up to date, subscribe to an RSS feed. Subscribe to RSS feed Ask the expert Each Icon of Progress is curated by an IBM expert who has deep personal knowledge of the Icon and its history. These experts are shown at the top of each Icon's overview page on the IBM100 site. If you find an Icon that is important to you, consider engaging with the relevant expert: He or she may be able to provide more detail on the Icon or connect you with others who share the same interest. Tweet about an Icon By posting a tweet about an Icon, you will help drive awareness of the Icon story and increase its ranking in search engines. Be sure to add the appropriate hashtags to identify the Icon: See the Hashtag directory sidebar for proper hashtag usage. Like an Icon If you see fellow IBMers posting their Icon connections to Facebook, consider clicking the Like button below the post to show your support. Join the conversation The Centennial Conversations area of the IBM100 site aggregates all the conversations happening around the Centennial in real-time. Its powerful search features let you quickly hone in on the topics that matter to you, see who is talking, jump into the conversation, and make connections with like-minded individuals.

Centennial Conversations will automatically aggregate any tweets containing the #IBM100 hashtag. If you have a personal blog, consider registering it with Centennial Conversations to include your posts as well.
The Centennial Conversations aggregator will launch on February 1, 2011. Publish the Icons of Progress widget on your site On the IBM100 site, you will find a tool that lets you customize an Icons of Progress widget that you can embed on your own blog. To install the widget on your site, simply choose the display size that works best for you, copy the Embed code (a snippet of HTML code), and paste it into the body of a post. The widget will automatically display the most recently published Icon and provide a link back to the IBM100 site.

Keep listening Over the course of the Centennial, we expect to see a wealth of unique stories from people who have deep, personal connections to the Icons of Progress. It's a perfect opportunity to search for like-minded individuals using the social listening skills described in the Social Enablement section of this site.

Go to Listening
Social Business Manager
Kate Motzer
Kate Motzer
IBM Social Media Specialist
IBM CHQ, Communications
Social Media and Digital Influence
Phone: 1-914-499-6537
Unified Profile
The Unified Profile will consolidate your IBM profiles and login information into one simple, connected profile that streamlines your passwords and that allows you greater access to IBM tools, features, and functions. Create your Unified Profile
Hashtag directory
Proper tagging ensures that your posts can be easily found by others and will increase your ranking in search engines. Be sure to use the following combination of hashtags when posting about the Icons of Progress or related assets. Hashtag directory