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Lorem ipsum:

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Centennial Social Programs: Lecture Series
IBM's Lecture Series, based on the three Centennial essays, will demonstrate how IBM's leaders are using systems and services to address complex problems. The series of lectures, from respected subject matter experts at IBM, will cover three subject areas:
  • Making the World Work Better
  • Pioneering the Science of Information
  • Reinventing the Modern Corporation
The lecture series will explain how IBM is achieving breakthrough solutions that deliver sustained value to enterprises and society as a whole. The series will deepen IBM relationships with the educational institutions, clients, and future leaders of the key markets where we do business.

Each lecture will offer a compelling leadership viewpoint on the role and evolution of the modern corporation by examining the IBM story. IBM executives will present a new model for leadership for the 21st century, advancing IBM as the number one company for leaders.
For the Centennial, we are asking IBMers to do two things:
  • Absorb the Lecture Series scripts and related assets
  • Share your thoughts and points of view on the three topic areas
How to get involved
Get immersed The Lecture Series assets will reside on the IBM100 site. Please take the time to absorb the assets, and formulate your thoughts on each of the three lecture categories. View the Lecture Series Share and discuss The Lecture Series content on the IBM100 site will have built-in sharing functionality and will be pre-populated with the relevant hashtags and optimized short URLs. Feel free to share directly from the site or via your platform of choice. Be sure to add the appropriate hashtags: see the directory sidebar for proper usage.
Join the conversation The Centennial Conversations area of the IBM100 site aggregates all the conversations happening around the Centennial in real time. Its powerful search features let you quickly hone in on the topics that matter to you, see who is talking, jump into the conversation, and make connections with like-minded individuals.

Centennial Conversations will automatically aggregate any tweets containing the #IBM100 hashtag. If you have a personal blog, consider registering it with Centennial Conversations to include your posts as well.

The Centennial Conversations aggregator will launch on February 1, 2011.
Keep listening The Lecture Series will generate awareness and interest in IBM's Icons of Progress and IBM's future vision across the three categories. It's a perfect opportunity to find and connect with like-minded individuals using the social listening techniques described in the Social Enablement section of this site. Go to Listening
The fusing of brand and culture
"One day soon, every employee, every retiree, every customer, every business partner, every investor, and every neighbor associated with every company will be able to share an opinion about that company with everyone in the world, based on firsthand experience. The only way we can be comfortable in that world is if every employee of the company is truly grounded in what their company values and stands for."

– Jon C. Iwata, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Hashtag directory
Proper tagging ensures that your posts can be found easily by others and will improve your ranking in search engines. Be sure to use the following hashtags when posting about IBM's Lecture Series or sharing related assets. Hashtag directory